Castings can be scary! It is your perfect chance to convince casting directors and book modeling jobs. I have been...
Tips and Tricks for Posing Models

Whether you’re running a professional fashion photo shoot or capturing a family portrait, learning how to pose your subjects for...
When The Going Gets Tough

From handling the few first months as a professional, when you’re seen as a potential Next Big Thing, to maintaining...
12 Tips for New Models

When you are starting out in the modeling industry many are often attracted to the glamour. In these 12 tips...
Tips On Essential Facial Expressions For Photo Shoots

Much of the attention in photo modelling is given to the way a model poses and dresses. Yet, little or no attention is given to facial expressions. Expressions will make or break a photo shoot. Photos will be soulless and tell nothing.
How To Strike A Pose

Learning how to practice modelling poses is not a simple task but it can be quite easy if you apply the right tools. in order to understand how to model is to combine a great deal of dedication and hard work into months of practice to be discovered. really, the hardest parts of modelling are the poses.
Wardrobe Essentials to Dress Like a Model Everyday

Most of you know that dressing up like a supermodel every day is really tough. What if we tell you that it is actually not that tough and a few wardrobe essentials are all that you need in order to dress like a supermodel? In this article,
Working On a Film Set: First Day Survival Tips

As a model you will be required to attend a fair amount of castings. After all, this is your main way of booking jobs!
When you attend a model casting you are essentially providing a snippet of how you will be on the real job...

As a model you will be required to attend a fair amount of castings. After all, this is your main way of booking jobs!
When you attend a model casting you are essentially providing a snippet of how you will be on the real job...

As a model you will be required to attend a fair amount of castings. After all, this is your main way of booking jobs!
When you attend a model casting you are essentially providing a snippet of how you will be on the real job...
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