Katarzyna Janasik (Kasia)

Katarzyna Janasik (Kasia)

About Me:
I am a mature woman, mother of 4 children and grandmother of 2. I really like extreme sports, I recently jumped from a plane 🙂
I also have a diving license, I can ride a horse, ride a bike, skate and roller skate, and as a teenager, I was fencing for 10 years. I have been playing tennis intensively in recent years.
About 20 years ago I took part in the Big Brother reality show in Poland and I did get as far as the finals. I didn’t win but it was an incredible experience
and thanks to that I feel quite comfortable in front of the camera.
Adrenaline and life’s turmoil work on me like anti-wrinkle cream. Someone once told me that I am like a tank, in the good sense of the word of course 🙂
nothing will stop me from achieving success. I am punctual and I hate being late.
Even though life has been hard on me, I am still an incurable optimist and I still believe in goodness.
For the last 2 years, I have been working as a care assistant (palliative care). This job has taught me humility and appreciation of what I have.

Interested In:
– Magazines.
– Billboard Advertisements
– Brand campaigns
– Catalogues
– Brochures
– Website.
– Television Commercials.
– Film and Television Extra