Vicky Brockley

Vicky Brockley

About Me:
In the ‘real world’ I spend my time turning around underperforming businesses and coaching executives on leadership. That said, at 56 I still have a passion to try new things and create new memories. I love to tell a story and what better story to tell my friends and colleagues that I’ve gone from being bullied at school to now being a model… how inspiring a tale is that?

I’ve been told I have striking features including my blonde locks in a variety of natural shades and piercing blue eyes. As well as this, my husband tells me that I’m a clothes horse and can wear anything. I love fashion and fitness.

A couple of years back I left the corporate world to start my own business. I needed some photos for my website and I was amazed at how they came out, and how many compliments I got. I’d never thought of modelling before then, but since I’ve thought of little else. I look at campaigns and imagine myself in the photo – silly I know, but the power of manifestation…

I am a confident fun person and have infectious positivity and professionalism. I love being active and outdoors, I am strong and lifting weights is ‘go to’. Having a close knit circle, my husband, family and friends are my everything.

Truly hoping that my experience from ugly duckling to a beautiful swan serves as inspiration for others to chase their dreams, no matter their age or past experiences.

I am now on a mission to prove that it’s never too late to pursue your passions and dreams don’t have an expiration date. I would love you to choose me and would be excited to collaborate with you, I won’t let you down.

Interested In:
– Fashion
– Health and Beauty
– Fitness
– Runway
– Highstreet
– Home and Garden
– Leisure
– Travel