Tina Patricia Daniels

Tina Patricia Daniels

About Me:
My name is Tina. I’m very passionate about various aspects of life. At 68, I reside in Bedfordshire. I also work as a passenger assistant for vulnerable students. I was inspired by OpenAI’s vision to connect with different people and support vulnerable students with diverse needs.

My hobbies include working in my garden, growing my vegetables, and travelling both within the UK and abroad to explore new cultures. I’m also a part-time passenger. I have two grown-up sons, and I cherish spending time with them to relax.

This diverse range of interests has provided me with a profound understanding of personal style and self-expression, making me eager to model anything. I have a strong passion for cosmetics and believe that modern cosmetics should be accessible to a wide variety of skin types. I aspire to represent the fashion and beauty industry.

Interested In:
– Modelling