Shobna Nair Kesawan

Shobna Nair Kesawan

About Me:
I’m a quiet person with a dreamy view on life. I enjoy the wonderful creations of nature, love being part of the endless beauty of the universe. I love reading and watching movies and series from a wide range of backgrounds and languages, as they are simply rich with culture, human experiences and love. Moving to England 3 years ago with my family is one of my best experiences in life of learning more about myself, asking many questions about my existence and purpose, which sails me through each day with unique experiences and opportunities. I’m choosing modelling to be myself, express myself in a creative and safe way, to appreciate and accept me in my elements, and the world around me in openness.

Interested In:
– High street fashion
– Commercials
– Social media modelling
– Online advertisement
– Billboard advertisements
– Catalogues (Corporate, Travel, Home Decorations, Health and Wellbeing, Art, Dance and Culture, Fitness)
– Campaigns
– Small role acting
– Extras in music videos, TV series and commercials