Savitree Surjoopersad

Savitree Surjoopersad

About Me:
From a young age, the world of fashion has been deeply interwoven into the fabric of my life. As the child of a talented tailor and designer, my wardrobe was always filled with bespoke pieces crafted with love by my father. My unique heritage, a mixture of both western and eastern cultures, has allowed me to appreciate and seamlessly blend the elegance of Indian attire with contemporary Western styles.

This year, as I celebrated my 60th birthday, I found myself standing out in the world of fashion with my natural silver/grey curly hair, a testament to both my age and the ever-evolving definition of beauty. Despite the minimal representation in the market, I see it as an opportunity to champion the grace and style that come with age.

By day, I serve the community working for the Council. But now, I’m eager to embark on a new journey in the realm of fashion modeling. My zest for life is fueled by the energy I derive from working and socialising with diverse groups. And should the runway or a photo shoot call for collaboration, my innate ability to connect with others promises to bring an added layer of vibrancy to any project.

Interested In:
– Fashion magazine
– TV Extras
– TV advertising
– Internet adverts
– Exhibitions