Phoebe Hynes

Phoebe Hynes

About Me:
I’m Phoebe Hynes, my hobbies include sewing, knitting and crochet. I’m taking a Fashion and Business course at Brighton university to take my skills further and get ready for a job in the fashion industry. I love making my own clothes or altering and fixing things for friends and family. One of my favourite things to do is style my friends and family helping them find clothes and styles that suit them so that they can feel confident in themselves. I also run a small business, which is Depop based (@phoebehynes), where I utilise my knitting and crocheting skills to create mohair accessories. I thought starting up my own business would help me learn about what it takes to work for yourself, which I would like to do in the future. I am currently teaching myself Spanish as I feel that learning multiple languages can be useful from a business aspect and also help me when travelling for modelling. I am a creative person but also very analytical. I enjoy learning and chose to take maths and biology for my a-levels, alongside textiles, as they helped keep my brain active and working. I thoroughly enjoy modelling, like going to new places and meeting new people. I’m looking forward to advancing and taking my modelling further.

Interested In:
– Modelling