Philip Crosby

Philip Crosby

About Me:
I am a 70-year-old father (divorced), grandfather and great-grandfather.
I live alone and have done so for just over 40 years.
I worked for just short of 50 years in accountancy and retired six years ago.
I have encountered several setbacks in my life but would have said at the beginning of this year that, overall, the good slightly outweighed the bad. Then in February, I was diagnosed with throat cancer and radiotherapy treatment commenced. I am pleased to say that the treatment was a total success and I now have a new lease of life. I do not intend to waste my second chance and I am prepared to do anything and meet any challenges to show everyone what can be achieved by someone who has recovered from what could well have been a terminal illness.
I have a lot to do to repay the family, friends and health professionals who had faith in me.

Interested In:
– Sports (football, cricket, walking football)
– Music (listening, limited singing)