Olivia Obi

Olivia Obi

About Me:
My name is Olivia Onyinyechukwu obi. I’m currently 17 years old. I’m a British citizen born in Nigeria. I’m always passionate about my work or anything that’s put in front of me, I’m
also, ambitious and driven to reach a certain level in life.
I’m a people’s person (extrovert).
I can be highly organised if I want to but sometimes, I can think of doing something but in my mind, I’ll be so lazy about it until I’m hyped by someone.
I love dancing, listening to music, I love hanging out with my friends, I love travelling.
I am consistent in everything I do; I love exploring and doing new things.
I am very unique, I can be motivated if I am passionate for something, in future.
I want to be a brand owner like Gucci, channel etc I love fashion so much, I don’t have one type of style. I can try new things as when I look in the mirror it’s good.
I love watching movies especially high school movies and chilling.

Interested In:
– Modelling