Okeke Miracle

Okeke Miracle

About Me:
I am a polite, bright and hard-working young lady who puts so much focus and effort into whatever I put my mind to and makes it worth it. I am an international student undergoing a Bachelor’s degree program in Adult nursing at the University of Northampton. I always knew I was made for more other than the usual life brings, I genuinely appreciate being a part of something that I might contribute sales and emotion to. Despite the fact I might lack realistic professional experience, I am looking forward to job opportunities and with the aid of my agency, I can become a Professional. What inspires me the most is trying new things and as modelling is an exciting career that comes with different experiences I believe I’m on the right track and I look forward to these experiences.

Interested In:
– Catalog Modelling
– Commercial modelling
– Fashion modelling
– Fit modelling
– Fitness modelling
– Freelance modelling
– Promotional modelling