Oghenerukevwe Praise Popor

Oghenerukevwe Praise Popor

About Me:
My name is Oghenerukevwe, but love to be addressed as “Ruky”, an 11-year-old Nigerian kid living with my family in Sunderland, United Kingdom. I’m the second of four siblings, and my big dream is to become famous one day. But here’s the twist—I want to use that fame to help people without making a big fuss about myself. In my free time, I’m all about books and numbers. I love diving into novels and tackling math problems, which I’m pretty good at. But that’s not all; I’ve got a thing for fashion modeling too. It’s super fun, and it lets me show off my personality. And you know what else? Singing is my jam! It puts a big smile on my face and helps me chill out. I want to be a doctor and help folks out with their health. I dream of lighting up the big screen as a movie star. Oh, and I can’t forget about commercials—I love doing those too! Every day, I’m getting better at drawing, honing my skills bit by bit. With lots of heart and a little prayer, I’m hoping my dreams will come true someday.

Interested In:
– Modelling