Nikita Fevralovs

Nikita Fevralovs
About Me:
My name is Nikita Fevralovs and I’m an Architecture student.
Due to studying architecture, I have developed a liking for making models of buildings that I have designed myself, I believe that doing this also helps exercise my creativity.
To pass the time I mainly enjoy exploring new places and gaining interesting experiences whether it is with friends or individually because doing so provides my life entertainment and gives us a variety of stories to socialise with new people.
I’m also severely interested in motorcycles as I own a 125cc cruiser myself, hopefully, I can upgrade to a much more powerful motorcycle in the near future.
I’m from Latvia but grew up in London, Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to learn Latvian but I am able to speak Russian and English of course.

Interested In:
– Catalog modelling
– Street modelling
– Others