Namitasha Wallace

Namitasha Wallace

About Me:
My name is Namitasha Wallace and I am the mother of two sons and a daughter. For the last 20 years I have lived in Scotland, Malaysia, Qatar and Australia before moving to London with my former husband. This was a magical time of learning about other cultures which were so different from my native Barbados. Frequent house and country moves has made me uniquely adaptable and flexible. Now that my children are older I have returned to work as a law lecturer at the University of Greenwich. I love my subject and I really feel that I am making a difference in the lives of future solicitors and barristers. In 2022 I was awarded the Equity Champion award at work which now the highlight of my career. Before it used to be that I was a consultant to the United Nations in Qatar in the run-up the 2022 World Cup, it was a great time teaching Arab diplomats about the law of human rights.

When I am not working I enjoy the company of my friends as well as salsa and bachata dancing with my local club. I really enjoy playing netball and football when I can. I am very intentional about having a good time when I am out and I laugh easily.

My weekly training with an ex-England hockey player is in my diary as a fixed appointment as it helps to keep me mentally and physically strong. As an older woman it is important to make more of an effort to keep physically fit. This is an interesting time in my life as I leave my husband of 21 years. I am enjoying discovering who I am as a person on my own again and this has been insightful and exciting about the second phase of my life. Modeling and anything related to the film and television industry are welcome creative pursuits that would once-upon-a-time have been something I would never have done because of how serious being a mother and teaching law is. Now my outlook is ‘why not’.

Interested In:
– Commercial modelling
– High street fashion
– TV and Film