About Me:
I am confident, outgoing and extremely social. I love social media and have Instagram (1305 followers) Facebook, Tik Tok and Snapchat and update these regularly by posting and going live.
My family are supportive and extremely important to me and I am very family orientated.
I love everything to do with fashion and always trying new styles and ideas (I like to set my own trends).
I am currently studying a BTEC level 3 in Sport on a football scholarship and love the competitive and challenging nature of this.
I love to travel and I am always looking for my next adventure, whether that is in the UK or abroad.
I always look to challenge myself and grow whether that is academically (I have just completed my GCSEs) or physically as I regularly attend my local gym.
I am extremely hard working and thrive on a challenge. At weekends when I am not attending my scholarship I am a junior roofer and love that aspect of my life also.
I have a thirst for life with a hard working ethic and believe life is for living and every opportunity should be taken.
Interested In:
– Football
– Basketball
– Tennis
– Swimming
– Outdoors
– Photography
– Travel
– Socialising
– Fashion