Michelle Victoria Lyddon

Michelle Victoria Lyddon

About Me:
I’m a single Mum of two teenage girls and I have the grey hairs to prove it.  They live with me full time as do my parents.
I work full-time as a Civil Servant.    I travel to London two days a week and work from home the rest of the week.  I taught in prisons for 12 years before moving to work for the government.  After studying for my teaching degree I became fascinated with human behaviour and also passed my BSc Hons Psychology.
I’m passionate about mental health and neurodiversity and I’m starting to learn about being neurospicy since being diagnosed with ADHD.  I also support my two daughters, one who also has ADHD and the other who has Tourette’s Syndrome and anxiety.
I’m going to South Africa on a volunteer holiday early next year.  I’m looking forward to helping communities in need!  I’ll be teaching maths and reading, volunteering at an orphanage and a soup kitchen, arranging sports days and beach trips for the children from the school and visiting a big cat sanctuary to vaccinate the big cats.  I love travelling going on holidays and making memories with my daughters.  We have a crazy French Bulldog called Penny!
I’m an aspiring model who wants to promote body positivity with young people particularly those with neurodivergence, mental health conditions or those who are more curvaceous.

Interested In:
– Mental Health
– Neurodivergence
– Community Work / Volunteering
– Veterans
– Education
– Personal Development
– Family