Mariam Balogun

Mariam Balogun

About Me:
I am Mariam, a qualified adult nurse, and I am eager to build a career in the modelling industry.
As a black African Muslim girl, I enjoy everything about fashion and it to be an interesting way to express myself while still being modest.
Although I do not have prior modelling experience, my interest in photography and styling myself has grown over the past two years. I am never shy in front of a camera, and I have even started creating content and making makeup tutorials in my free time, which has boosted my confidence online. Some other interest of mine involves cooking and going to the gym.
Becoming a Hijabi model has always been a big interest of mine, alongside my nursing career. I love the diversity that the modelling industry offers and I am open to opportunities in commercial, fashion, runway walk and fitness modelling.
I would consider myself a great team worker with good communication and understanding skills, which I believe will help me as I grow in the industry.

Interested In:
– Modelling

5ft 4