Leigh David Williams

Leigh David Williams

About Me:
I am 63 years old and a father of 5 children, but feel like a 40-year-old due to the fact that I work with Children as a Kid’s Entertainer. l also teach Mad science and Lego workshops in schools.
I am the youngest of three brothers of which one is Handicapped. I am told that I am very laid back and take everything in my stride, I am also very polite and still hold doors open. I left school and worked as a printer for many years and while doing so I started to D.J. with a mobile disco. Eventually decided to dress up as a clown, which led to my own successful entertainment business, with many different characters, who have very different personalities, all of which I have run myself for the last 30+ years. When at School I would write little skits and act in the school assembly plays. From there came my love and confidence to stand in front of an unknown audience and perform.  My love of Films came from an early age and at present, I watch about 3 films a week, on Netflix, YouTube or Prime. I fell out of a tree at 12 years old and broke my wrist trying to be Tarzan. I used to ride a Lambretta scooter and then when I got married had to get a car.  I have always liked to make things like Puppets, and props as I go to Comic Con and recently made myself a Lego man costume. I get on well with others and like to try new things.

Interested In:
– Extra Work
– Modelling
– Acting parts