Joe Boreham

Joe Boreham

About Me:
My name is Joe and I’m 20 years old. I have a passion for sports and the gym and the general wellbeing of my body. I love to inspire people and help them in any way possible, I see myself as a perfectionist everything has to be right even down to the smallest of details. Working in a kitchen for 6 years has definitely taught me how to deal with all kinds of people and how to show professionalism and leadership. I’m great when working in a team or even one to one as I like to be direct with my team or partner and get the job done to the best of its ability. Football has had a big impact on my life I try to play that as much as possible, I love it because it gets me meeting new people and I get to share my thoughts with them and meeting new people is something I love. Besides this I love to travel and see parts of the country I haven’t seen before and even parts of the world. I am fascinated by the different cultures that are apparent around the world and how each country is different. When I’m not focused on all the above I’m really into the car scene I love looking at all different makes and builds that people can create. I also do a little bit of car detailing which is essentially cleaning cars and trying to make them look in top condition, of course always remembering the finer details!

Interested In:
– Commercial
– Influencing
– Swimwear
– Underwear
– TV