Jennifer Riley

Jennifer Riley

About Me:
I’m 54 and have hit upon the idea of modelling for the first time in my life due to an amazing Boudoir Photoshoot experience where the photographer gave me a glowing report after the shoot saying I smashed it! Specifically pointing out that I have confidence in front of the camera which shines through my presentation and into the photos…following directions easily and excellent eye contact with the camera and non verbal communication with my body language. Plus I loved it because it was so much fun.

Qualified NHS nurse for 30 years working in hospitals and community so have seen a lot of life and many different people who tend to open up to me and trust me easily with their own unique life stories. Love my nursing work.

Have travelled a lot all over the world backpacking etc best experience has been an impromptu dive off the coast of Queensland, Australia into the Great Barrier Reef, sleeping under the stars in the Bush, plus a flight over the Grand Canyon and night out in Las Vegas.

Am a single working independent mum to my 2 young amazing boys who are growing up fast and excited about my modelling prospects.

Hobbies are spending time with family and friends, getting to the tops of the fells in the Lakes and many activities with my boys ranging from street dance to camping.

Interested In:
– Creating catalogues
– High street fashion
– TV and film
– Acting (actress)
– Etc (additional unspecified interests)