

About Me:
My name is Jenaya (as you may know). I’m 10 years old. When I was little I tried out many different things like gymnastics, geology, art, and astronomy, I even tried having a lemonade stand (but didn’t get very far thanks to local Sainsbury’s) and gave stand-up comedy a good go ( lots of laughs at the school variety shows).

But back to the present, I am really into music and I’ve always been known as a fast runner so those two hobbies stuck and I really enjoy them.

I’m learning to play the guitar and ukulele and to make music with my dad. I’ve enjoyed singing since age 3 when I spontaneously made up a Christian worship song at bedtime ( put the fear of God in my mother 😜 )

I also like drawing and writing and I started writing short stories at the age of 5-6 years old.

Interested In:
– Modelling