Izzy Boreham

Izzy Boreham

About Me:
My name is Isabelle, but I prefer Izzy. I’m in Year 7 at a Grammar school in Kent and have various different hobbies. My favourite thing to do is sports-football especially. I have been playing for my local team-Pembury girls-for the past five years. I play a striker position and for the last two years running I have been awarded the top goal scorer in my team and last year, my team won the league. In addition, I also do gymnastics and have entered in a couple of competitions before.

I personally enjoy spending time with my friends from both primary and secondary school, whether it’s on the bus, meeting up in town or doing other fun things which we all like. I’m very chatty and sociable and I like both experiencing and learning new things inside and outside of school.

At home, we have 3 pets-a dachshund (sausage!) called Douggie and two cats, one a ginger called Peanut and a small black one called Clive. I love animals and keep trying to convince my mum that we need more!!

Modelling is completely new to me and I hope it’ll be enjoyable and something I can use to develop skills for my future.

Interested In:
– Catalogue modeling
– Lifestyle modeling
– Commercial/brands modeling
– Walk-on parts
– Background characters/TV extras