Estanoa Pagnie

Estanoa Pagnie

About Me:
I was born and grew up in East Africa Kenya. Moved to the UK in 1967 with my family.
I am an artist painter, a writer and I have a BA(Hons) in Interior design.
I am a very spiritual person and I meditate and practice yoga to be healthy and fit.
As an artist, I paint in acrylics. I love color, design and shape.
I am embarking on a new journey as a Mature Model. I love modern design, art and style. I evolve with the latest styles and create my own style with my evolution. I keep up with the times and refuse to be a little old lady. I love glamour and human shape to accentuate the latest for my maturity. I enjoy fashion, the latest style of makeup and trends.
With my interest in style and fashion, I am a natural at being creative and representing my generation on the high street.

Interested In:
– Art
– Fashion
– Writing poetry
– Yoga
– Meditation
– Walking
– Good food