Esmée Francis

Esmée Francis

About Me:
I am British/Caribbean mixed-race with Jamaican and Antiguan heritage and am lucky enough to be surrounded by a huge, supportive family and network of friends. I would describe myself as an ambitious person that loves to make people laugh and entertain my loved ones. I hope to study Maths, Physics, Spanish and Product Design A-Levels and I like to participate in school musicals and play various sports and instruments in my free time such as piano and the trumpet, which I play in school band performances. When I am not doing that I like to try new things, such as DIY projects, stemming from to my open-minded and enthusiastic personality which I find contributes to my inclination to happily try new things. This is one of the reasons I became interested in modelling as I had never really considered it before, until I was approached so decided “why not?” and attended a photo shoot where I felt in my element and, of course, the perfectionist within me would never let me do something with less than 100% effort so I threw myself into this industry and am prepared to give it my all, stretching my comfort zone to achieve everything I can.

Interested In:
– Modelling
– Extras