Eleanor Grace Humphries

Eleanor Grace Humphries

About Me:
I am a 15 year old girl who attends secondary school, at school I enjoy drama and art. I am the youngest child of five and have many nieces and nephews who I enjoy looking after and spending time with. I follow Leeds united football team and like watching my older brothers play football too, i did for a period of time play football myself however due to covid I stopped training and dancing became my priority. i have danced ballet since I was three and can now go on pointe, I also do freestyle disco dancing and have been for around 3 years, competing at the British and world championships and doing competitions most weekends. I also used to have ice skating lessons but once again due to covid it stopped but I still like to go out on the ice when the opportunity arises. I enjoy travel, beach holidays especially, I am in a lucky position where I get to go on holiday with my family a few times a year. I have been to many different countries and enjoy trying to learn the languages whilst I am there. I like socialising with my friends, we go shopping together and discus all the latest fashions and trends. I take pleasure in going out and getting dressed up and doing my makeup and styling my hair. In my spare time at home I like to go on TikTok and instagram and post my own content every so often.

Interested In:
– Dancing
– Drama
– Makeup and Hair
– Travelling
– Social Media
– Sport