David William Jones

David William Jones

About Me:
I class myself as an extroverted individual that is originally from a small city in the midlands, who has recently, in the past year, taken a huge step to move down south with my partner. This was to help them relocate closer to their new dream job, and to give myself a chance to pursue bigger and (hopefully) better opportunities in the field of acting. By chance I have stumbled upon this great opportunity to expand my knowledge and to further develop my skills in the realm of TV, film, and modelling.

I come from quite a large family, so there is no surprise as to why I possess the outgoing personality that I have. Having had my own dreams of becoming an actor since I was 8 years old has always inspired me to put myself out there. I have always found myself performing in some way or another, to make people laugh. Whether that’s through my many previous school performances when I was younger, or life in general – it fills you with a feeling like no other, you just can’t beat it.

With this being my first time getting back into the scene, I find myself more determined than ever, and couldn’t be more excited to get stuck in!

Interested In:
– Fantasy/Sci-fi
– Period films/series
– Action/adventure films/series
– Soap dramas