Claire Shani Jarju

Claire Shani Jarju

About Me:
Having been a hair and make-up artist for many years and visiting some incredible locations it led me to follow the dream of owning my own venue, doing weddings and events. This has been challenging, creative and some times real fun. I would often have to turn my hand to various different things, I could be cocktail maker, gardener, hair and make-up artist or possibly involved in a photo shoots and many other things which were all great experience.

Now I feel it’s time to move on to my next creative challenge and as my background has always been thus, I felt I was ready to step in to the new and exciting role of modelling.

In my spare time I love to keep fit and healthy and most days I’m either at the gym, running, cycling or doing yoga and when I can, I love to dance salsa, which is great fun! I also meditate every day, it creates a real mind body balance when you have a busy life.

Of course in between all of this, my absolute favourite thing is catching up with friends and family, going for a coffee, cake and natter!

Interested In:
– Sports wear
– Catalogue
– Catwalk
– Beach wear
– TV extra