Bryce Brittain-Dissont

Bryce Brittain-Dissont

About Me:
It’s cheesy, but I’m a go-getter at heart. I don’t do things by halves. Having consistently uprooted my life and moved to more than 5 different countries, I’ve had to learn to improvise and put myself out there. In Northern Ireland I played cricket at a national level and tennis on a county level; in Mexico I directed Improv Comedy shows; and now in London I’d like to really take modelling more seriously – seeing projects come to fruition and having the opportunity to connect with other creative people is a huge draw.

In addition to English, I speak both Spanish and French. While this is nice, I do feel like a traitor to my home country of Ireland because my Gaelic consists entirely of cookie-cutter textbook pleasantries! These languages have been useful on my many adventures, the most intrepid of such being a month long road trip around Italy where my friend and I refused to pay for accommodation, instead relying solely on Tinder, spontaneity, and the kindness of strangers to find a bed (or more likely, floor) to sleep in! I’ve calmed down a bit since then, but I’d certainly like to throw my hat in the ring for any jobs that could take me abroad!

As for some other tidbits, I’m a pub quiz junkie and relish any opportunity to test my trivia – ask the bar staff at The Ten Bells in Shoreditch if you need proof of my ability to pull the capital of Mauritania out of my hat. Also, I’m (like every other foolhardy man my age) writing a screenplay about youth life in Northern Ireland. If anyone has insomnia, just ask me for the first draft and I’m sure it’ll cure you!

Interested In:
– Editorial
– Catalogue
– Catwalk
– Commercial
– Fit