Bex Hamilton

Bex Hamilton

About Me:
As a dedicated advocate for sustainability, I have actively participated in judging, speaking engagements, and presentations at prestigious awards and events. My expertise in sustainable materials and practices has allowed me to confidently engage in public speaking on these crucial topics.

With a strong entrepreneurial background, I have successfully led a print agency for 12 years and established two thriving sustainable startups. Now, as I transition from these ventures, I am empowering my ex-husband to manage these businesses, as I pursue my childhood dream career in modeling. I am committed to using my platform to champion environmental responsibility and sustainable practices, while actively seeking modeling opportunities.

Balancing a fulfilling family life, I co-parent three wonderful children with my ex-husband, maintaining a harmonious and flexible relationship. Supported by my understanding parents and extended family, I am able to prioritise my modeling career while ensuring my children’s well-being. In an exciting twist, my children have also ventured into modeling and are enthusiastic about participating in family photo shoots if at all relevant.

In essence, I hope to bring a unique blend of sustainability advocacy, business acumen, and a harmonious family dynamic to the world of modeling, embracing my passion with confidence and purpose.

Interested In:
– Modelling