Anna Hinchliff

Anna Hinchliff

About Me:
Hi, I’m Anna. I have recently graduated with a degree in the social sciences and am currently working in the early years sector. I’ve grown up around music and love playing the violin/ singing with others. I enjoy listening to a variety of genres; of which country has been my latest venture. Especially attending concerts, as I find live performances incredibly inspiring and just amazing to be able to experience. I feel I am most happy around friends, relaxing in a fun atmosphere, however, I’ve grown to really enjoy my own company and take more time for myself.
Currently, at the beginning of my cycling journey, I have been aiming to improve my abilities as I love the outdoors- whether it’s running or walking- it makes me feel so good! My ambitions for the future are to visit a more diverse range of places, experience other cultures and make a difference to others. I’d love to work within the charity sector, particularly within research in the upcoming years.

Interested In:
– Editorial
– Catalogue
– Commercial
– Fitness