Anayah Myah Isaac-Hamm

Anayah Myah Isaac-Hamm

About Me:
Hi, I am Anayah and here’s a bit about me!

I am nine years old and look forward to my double-digit 10th birthday in July 2023 as I feel grown up because of my achievements so far.

As well as normal schoolwork (Maths is my favourite subject), my school offers great After School activities. I have taken part in Coding, Judo, Cooking, and Cheerleading. I am in the girl’s school football team, and we won the trophy for local Primary Schools in April 2022 – it was an amazing feeling. I do UDA (Urban Dance Association) once a week at a performing arts academy, where I made friends who are not at my school.

I love travelling to different countries including Disney in Florida, Mexico, Greece, Italy, Spain, and Jamaica, and spent Easter in Grenada which was great and very hot!

The hobbies I enjoy are trying on makeup, swimming, playing chess, singing in the school choir, and visiting places of interest like museums. I was voted the School Counsellor and do a fun job of taking the Head Teacher’s dogs for a walk. I love animals (especially cats) and my cat is called Fluffy. Oh, and my little brother is five years old and a bit naughty! We do things together like going to the park and riding our bikes. I can’t stop giggling when I play pranks on my friends and family!

Interested In:
– Dancing
– Performance
– Singing
– Poetry
– Acting
– Modelling