About Me:
My name is Osayemwenre, but everyone calls me King (including my parents). I’m not sure why I chose that name, but to be honest, my parents did as well. I was raised in Italy and lived there for 13 years before moving to the UK and staying here ever since. I am a joyful person who is always happy and smiling because I am a child of God and should be happy to be here in this life every day. I play basketball and go to the gym almost every day; it’s my biggest hobby. I just like to take care of my body and stay active, and I’m still aspiring to be a professional basketball player. I adore music and films, and I appreciate watching how people go from normal to acting mode. I did acting when I was 11 years old in Italy at the city’s largest theatre, and I recall being the third main character in front of 20,000/30,000 people because my acting skills were excellent, and I knew how to focus and listen to the teachers and directors; I would describe myself as a great listener, and I have a great memory. I prefer to model because I’m very interested in fashion, and growing up taught me that fashion is important in life, and you have to know how to put clothing on to make them seem good, which is why people nickname me Mr Put It On. I believe that this career will help me grow as a person, and as a man, I am eager to do anything because life is an experience, so make the most of it.
Interested In:
– Modelling